Data CRM
Sync leads from data marketplaces and your data storefront to a central lead inbox and to your own CRM, and drive your data sales pipeline.
Intent qualification
Repeat buyers, agent-verified leads, and academic contacts are flagged as such in your lead inbox.
Sample views
Sample views for every channel are shown in your lead inbox and are separate from contact requests so you can prioritize your outreach.
CRM integration
When you accept Sample Views and Contact Requests in Monda, you can sync them instantly to Hubspot to work on your leads and deals centrally.
Secure messaging
If a contact request’s budget, coverage, and message looks promising, accept the lead to talk to them directly via Monda.
Demand pool
Browse a pool of requests for proposals (RFPs) from buyers with $1M+ in monthly budgets and reach out to relevant leads.
Monda provides every feature needed to market and monetize data securely, all in one platform.
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