Data Marketplaces

Reach more buyers across Data Marketplaces

Publish your data in the biggest global marketplaces with no engineering effort.


List Data Products in global data marketplaces with a click

Monda’s no-code integrations with Databricks, Google Cloud, SAP Datasphere, and Datarade mean you can publish in each data marketplace instantly.

Increased reach

Reach data buyers on the platforms they’re natively using

Sample views for every channel are shown in your Lead Inbox and are separate from Contact Requests so you can prioritize your outreach.

Omni-channel updates

Manage your presence across each channel easily

If a Contact Request’s budget, coverage, and message looks promising, accept the lead to talk to them directly via Monda.


Everything you need to run a data business

Monda provides every feature needed to market and monetize data securely, all in one platform.

Grow your business with one data monetization platform.

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