
Datarade is a global data discovery platform enabling companies to find the right data effortlessly.


Partner Overview

Datarade was launched in 2018 to make finding the right data from trusted sources effortless. It is a B2B data discovery platform offering over 600 different categories of external data from a network of over 500 verified and compliance-assured data providers.

Datarade is the easy-to-use data discovery platform

Monda x Datarade

Datarade is partnered exclusively with Monda. The integration between the two platforms mean that data providers can publish on Datarade instantly via their Monda portal. All samples views and contact requests from Datarade then land in the provider's Data Sales section of their Monda account.


Over 100k business per month use Datarade to compare data providers and preview data samples. These include companies from industries spanning hospitality & travel, energy, finance, real estate, transport, and AI & ML development.

As a B2B data discovery platform, Datarade is designed to help companies find the right external data easily. Users on Datarade undergo a strict KYC process to ensure they're working for legitimate companies with valid data use cases.

Previously, Datarade has been used to source data that's used for training AI model, researching pharmaceutical products, and planning smarter cities. Its easy-to-use interface empowers professionals from any industry, with any level of technical ability, to find the data they need for their use case.


Data RFXs

Companies looking for data can create and post their RFXs on Datarade

Hundreds of companies looking to procure external data post their Requests for Info/Quote/Samples (RFXs) on Datarade every month. This speeds up the data sourcing process and facilitates more matches between data buyers and providers. Data providers are able to reach out to buyers with proposals if they have data matching the buyer's needed. Providers can filter according to use case, budget, and country. Over $5M in qualified data budgets are created in Datarade RFXs on a monthly basis.

Category Insights

Datarade provides insights into which data categories on their platform are trending, which attract the most traffic, and which offer a competitive opportunity for providers who list products there. Category insights enable data providers to increase their visibility across Datarade's platform so they can generate more product impressions, leads, and win more business.

Sample Previews & Views

Attach sample previews to your products and Datarade will automatically generate a data dictionary from them

Datarade supports sample files, which providers can attach to their Data Products in Monda to increase visiotr conversions. Datarade automatically displays a data dictionary on your products based on your sample and matches its data attributes against a standard library of attributes, so that your products are discoverable via attribute search. Thanks to Datarade's integration with Monda, you can see in your Monda inbox who's viewing your sample previews. This helps you gauge intent and separate window shoppers from users that send you a detailed contact request.

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